to the girl who feels like she's never "enough"
6:04 AMWe as girls want to be beautiful. I think we all have this mindset of constantly wanting everyone else's approval. Whether it be attention from guys, likes on social media, or an extra compliment on your outfit. It feels so good in that moment but later you still look in that mirror and all you see are flaws. We just aren't... enough.
Never pretty enough, skinny enough, helpful enough, fun enough, "hot" enough, talkative enough, cute enough, interesting enough, smart enough, talented enough.
So we keep trying to get all the "likes", all the attention, all the complements, hoping beyond hope that we can make ourselves feel better, hoping that those shallow things with quench our emptiness. But no matter what it doesn't satisfy. Those compliments and those double takes from that cute guy... they don''t gonna take away that insecurity. So we try harder. We try to "love ourselves", "follow our hearts and our dreams". Even that doesn't fix it. The ache is still there.
No matter what we're still caught in this vicious cycle of ups and downs, a never ending roller coaster of emotion.
We think we can handle it by ourselves.
Guess what?
We can't.
But God can.
The one who made the STARS is the one who thinks YOU are the most beautiful, most precious, most irreplaceable, most priceless, and incredible work of art! He loves you so much that He died the most horrible death you can imagine (death on a cross) so you could be with Him in eternity. He loved you, His beautiful flawed creation, so much that He laid down His life for you.
Girl, you don't have to be enough.
You never will be.
But Jesus is. His sacrifice makes you flawless in God's eyes.
Amid all the crazy ups and downs of this life our Heavenly Father is the one thing that is constant. His love never ends, and He will never leave you. Give him your heart. I promise you'll find the love your looking for.
You never will be.
But Jesus is. His sacrifice makes you flawless in God's eyes.
Amid all the crazy ups and downs of this life our Heavenly Father is the one thing that is constant. His love never ends, and He will never leave you. Give him your heart. I promise you'll find the love your looking for.
Because of Him, you are enough.