book challenge

11:04 AM

Hello friends, and Happy New Year! 

 My resolution for 2017 is to read, not only the books that have been on my "to read list" for far too long I have loved books since I was very young but this year I'm planning to read as many as I can get my hands on! 

Now, I needed some help. I wanted to find some new reading material and also broaden my horizons to more authors and titles.  As I was meandering around the internet one evening I stumbled across a lovely blog called "Blogs of a Bookaholic". I found a super fun reading challenge there that I just had to be a part of.  The Rory Gilmore Book Challenge!  It is a list of every book, read or mentioned on Gilmore Girls. (click on the link to see the full reading list)

For those who don't know, Gilmore Girls is a fun and witty TV show about a mother (Lorelai) and daughter (Rory). Rory Gilmore longs to go to Harvard and study journalism.  She is an avid reader and seems to always have her nose stuck in a book. Rory primarily reads classic literature, which is exactly what I want to read more of!  So basically, this is the PERFECT reading challenge for me.  

This challenge consist of 349 books.  A daunting number, I know.  While I most likely won't read every book on the list I figured it was a good place to begin and a great way to be introduced to more classics.  My plan is to take away a few of the titles I don't plan to read off the existing list and add a few more that I have been wanting to read, such as G. K. Chesterton's works, a few more of  Charles Dickens novels, Keats, Tennyson, and some historical fiction.  I already plan to start David Copperfield by Dickens this January so I suppose I'm off to a good start! 

Wish me luck!




What are some your new years resolutions?  I'd love to hear them! :)

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